Pau Claris Advocats

Sergi Llagostera Xargayó

Sergi LlagosteraEducation and Area of Expertise

  • Sergi has a degree in law from the University of Barcelona (1989).
  • He has been a practicing solicitor since 1989.
  • He holds a doctorate in civil law from the University of Barcelona (2001) with the thesis “Concerning the unconstitutionality of Spanish Urban Leasing Legislation”.
  • He is registered professionally as a property administrator but is non-practicing. He is actively involved with many estate agents as a legal advisor.
  • He is also the president of the Catalan Association of Property Owners, an association which brings together owners of urban properties intended for rental both as housing and as business premises.
  • In his professional career he has specialized in civil and mercantile law, focusing especially on urban rentals, horizontal ownership, and property law.

Teaching Experience

  • Since 1989 he has taught Law in the Superior School of Public Relations at the University of Barcelona.
    He has been an associate teacher in the Department of Civil Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Barcelona and various other law schools.

C. Pau Claris 97 - 08009 - Barcelona | T. 93 318 59 70 |